
~ Saturday, October 17, 2009

My note on LOVE. Before I lost the book, I would LOVE to share it with people who LOVES my blog. :) Enjoy my rantings!

1. Don't give too much. Not till you get something in return! Oh yes, please be GREEDY! :D

2. Don't chase him up. If he wants you,then he'll work for it! (If not, consider HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!)

3. If it hurts, please stop dear. You're more valuable more than you can ever imagine. Don't force yourself. You'll get sick and drown in it! (SUFFOCATED)

4. LOVE is not accepting people the way they are. It's to make him to become a better person! :)

5. But then, when there's a part that can't be improvised (due to some concrete reasons and mind-acceptable), then this is applicable: "LOVE is not seeing a person perfectly but it's to love an imperfect person perfectly!" ^____^

6. Don't make him as your priority if he makes you as an OPTION!

7. Lovely family who accept you truly will make you melt at heart but if you can't see him as your future husband, then STOP! :D

8. Boys are stupid sometimes but you're better and worthwhile. So better off than being hurt.

9. Love is a magic! Oh it thrills heart and make you smile unnoticed. :)

10. Love is like a covalent bond. It doesn't need too much withdraw nor too much acceptance.

There you go. 10 rantings! Hooray!!! *Gila dah lama tak update blog kasih sayang terhadap penulis. I'm sorry. Sila pukul dengan kasih sayang jika mahu* :)


Kucing Kertas said...

bagus notes anda!

tpi persoalannya, berapa ramaikah yg mampu lakukannya?
bila emosi menguasai, susah!

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

kan? tepuk dada tanyalah hati. (dah tepuk dada pegi tanya hati plak. baik tepok je hati!)


Maira Adreanna said...

betolbetol !!


s.c.h.u.l.t said...

:D berangan ape neh? untuk dichentai? oh so suwittt! (mata bentuk chenta-chenta)

Mindbreaking said...

mr.mind mtrk kulim laa..tp da dky kn dgm mtrk penang...cinta???x de masa r..hehhe

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

ooo..kulim. haha. samela. tade masa gak :P

jard putnam said...

kiut.. ehehe

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

5 megapixel: TQVM!~ ^___^

Lia3003 said...

selmat kembali berblog...he3

Murni Alfathunnisa said...

gud notes!

byk yg leh dijadikan panduan..thx for sharing, dear.

s.c.h.u.l.t said...

liyana: tq~ ^___^

siti: you're welcome. saya pon masih bertatih. ;)